Plain Yarn from Lancaster County

Locally produced wool that is exclusive Lancaster Yarn Shop

Lancaster County has some of the richest, non-irrigated soil in the United States, but sheep, it turns out, don’t like a grassy pasture.  The land here is too valuable for food production, and so we don’t really have a sheep or wool tradition.  However, like much of rural America, there are flocks of sheep in the area.  Pleasant Pastures is a local organic farm, and from their small flock of Romney sheep we get beautiful yarn.  This creates an exciting and unusual opportunity to work with wool produced in Lancaster County.

plain yarn flock

‘Plain Yarn‘ is spun at a mill just west of the Susquehanna River and is available only at Lancaster Yarn Shop and in our online store (HERE). This is a two-ply, light worsted 100% wool yarn that is perfect for traditional sweater knitting, modern textured shawls and for accessories. This spring, we have five colors of Plain Yarn in the shop, all minimally processed, undyed naturals.  Each fleece is spun individually, and the name of the color is the name of the sheep!  ‘Jimmy,’ the handsome white ram, often sells out first.

plain yarn flock

Plain Yarn is a Lancaster County original:  classic wool yarn great for today’s modern knitters and crocheters.  It truly is tradition with a twist!

Written by Wendy Ellis

For more about Lancaster Yarn Shop check out their members page on the Kitchen Kettle Village website or the Lancaster Yarn Shop website and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

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