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By Megan Colyer · 6/21/2017
We’ve all been there- making the same meals over and over again can get boring. Here’s an easy way to change it up with some Kitchen Kettle favorites. Peanut Butter and jelly is a house favorite for a lot of families with children. Luckily, jams and jellies are our speciality! Oh and did I mention we make Peanut Butter Schmier too.
Here is a quick and easy recipe for KKV PB & J Roll Ups. They are perfect for a pool day, road trip, and you don’t have to worry about starting an oven or warming anything up on a hot summer day.
Kitchen Kettle PB & J Roll Up
Take a look at our tutorial video, it’s so easy!
After 23 years at Kitchen Kettle Village, Phil & Stephanie Garnett will be hanging up their pottery wheel and ending their time at the Village. Their shop will remain open though the end of October 2021. In March of 2022, the shop will reopen under new ownership.
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Impress your friends with these delicious and healthy recipes for your fall tailgate, plus pick-up some event planning tips to knock your gathering out of the park.
Kitchen Kettle Village is filled with delicious treats, but have you ever wondered what our best baked good is? Read on to find out what guests think, plus a few other scrumptious suggestions.
Get the inside scoop on the hidden gems throughout Kitchen Kettle Village that you won't want to miss!