Be Safe, Be Calm, Be Grateful

Typically, I would be sharing with you all the fun events that are happening in the month of April here in the Village. We would be talking about filling 4,000 Easter eggs, a new Sweet Bites Festival and a special VIP Dinner at The Kling House Restaurant. Unfortunately, all those events have been cancelled or postponed due to COVID-19. I think we are all having trouble staying positive in these uncertain times. So today I would like to focus on what we can be grateful for and it may look different for each of us.

1. I am grateful for my family and family of Kitchen Kettle Village friends, guests and employees. I am so lucky to live and work in Lancaster County. Our community is amazing and uplifting. I think we are all seeing the power of our own local communities during these trying times.

2. I am grateful for technology. Just think if this pandemic happened 20 years ago! Yikes. We wouldn't be able to work from home, video chat with friends and clients, share our lives on social media and connect in so many different ways from a distance.

3. I am grateful for this time to really think about what is important. When you can't go out, all we seem to think about is everything that we want to do. I heard a cool suggestion on a conferenece call this morning. A family with young children started a "Wish Jar." Everytime the kids said, "I wish we could...." (fill in the blank), the parents wrote the wish on a slip of paper and put it in the jar. Once life goes back to normal they are going to select a wish each weekend and go do all those things their children wished to do over the course of the quarantine. We could all do this to remember what we really missed or wished for during these difficult days. If you try this at home, I encourage you to write "Visit Kitchen Kettle Village" on a slip of paper. We woulkd love to see you all once this has passed.

My list could go on, but those are just a few positive things to focus on for today. I did have a few other suggestions if you are looking for things to go with your extra time at home.

1. Plan your next visit to Lancaster County for this summer, fall or winter. Check out Discover Lancaster for a complete guide to Lancaster County. I also encourage you to visit the Kitchen Kettle Village website. If you typically visit in the spring - this might be the year to mix things up and come at Christmas time or late summer. There are always events and new acvtivities happening. We just added an events calendar to our website to keep track of all the new offerings.

2. Take time to write a note to a friend or loved one. I know I talked about the virtues of technology, but nothing beats a "snail mail" card from a friend to brighten my day.

3. Breath. A few deep breaths can help calm our nerves and lower our blood preasure.

Please stay safe & healthy. Know that all of us at Kitchen Kettle Village are thinking about you. We hope to see you later this spring so we can all spread some happiness together!

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