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The Kling House Restaurant is the home of Kitchen Kettle Village in Intercourse, PA. The house nurtured three generations of Klings and Burnleys before the Lancaster County farmhouse became a restaurant and event venue. The front porch, living room, dining room and office remain intact but now host various seasonal events, private group reservations, corprate retreats and more. Traveling bus groups can also take advantage of the Kling House Restaurant for buffet style lunch reservations throughout the summer months which feature delicious menu items from homemade sandwiches to traditional Lancaster County favorites like Chow Chow and Kitchen Kettle cookies!
If intrested in private group reservations in the Kling House Restaurant, call 717-768-2706 or e-mail us at groups@kitchenkettle.com to start planning!
Our Executive Chef and Foodservice Director, T. J. Quinn makes every event special with his interesting and delicious menus. TJ is a graduate of the Culinary Institute of America and has been leading the charge with unique, seasonal recipes and locally sourced food at Kitchen Kettle Village for over 10 years.
Throughout the year we will open to the public with a few special events including: Dinner with Mrs. Claus and Yummie the four Saturday nights between Thanksgiving and December 21st. These magical nights fill up quickly, click here for the details.
Chef TJ preparing a special dish for one of our seasonal events.